Facebook / Meta Ads

Facebook / Meta Ads is a digital advertising platform offered by Meta, allowing businesses to create and display ads on the Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp, and other Meta platforms. Advertisers can target specific demographics, interests, behaviors, and locations, and choose various ad formats like images, videos, and carousels to reach their desired audience. The platform provides detailed performance metrics, enabling advertisers to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven optimizations.


Feature nameSupported
Column HashingTrueField level
BlockingTrueField level
Custom dataTrue
ReSyncTrueTable level

Data Schema

Meta APIs Scopes

The Weld App asks for the following scopes when setting up the integration:

  • ads_read
  • ads_management
  • business_management

🔧 Setup Guide - ELT

Step 1 - Begin Configuration

  1. In the connector setup form, enter the destination schema name of your choice.
  2. Click Authorize to allow Weld to access your Meta account using OAuth. You will be redirected to your Meta account.

Step 2 - Approve and finalize

  1. Approve Weld to access your Meta account.
  2. When authorization is complete, you will be redirected back to the Weld connections overview. The configuration is complete.

Step 3 - Connection Settings

  1. Select all the Meta Ads accounts that you would to sync data from.
  2. Limit historical data to only sync data after the selected date to only include that data in the initial sync.

Step 4 - Data To Sync

  1. Select the pre-built reports you wish to include in the sync.
    You can view the schema, remove columns or hash sensitive information.
  2. Custom Reports : Create your customized Meta Ads reports tailored to your specific requirements. By defining dimensions, breakdowns, fields, and other criteria, you can extract actionable insights from your advertising data.

Step 5 - Configure Sync

  1. Select how often you would like the data to sync.
  2. Provide a unique destination table name.

Weld will take over from here and commence syncing data from your Meta Ads account.

📈 Data Modelling

  1. Access Data Post-Sync: Once the initial synchronization is complete, your Meta Ads data is available for querying in the SQL editor within Weld's Data Transform.
  2. Find Meta Ad Tables: In Transform, expand the facebook_ads folder under Data Sources to see available tables.
  3. Explore Table Schema: Click on a table to view its schema and understand the structure and type of data.
  4. Create SQL Queries: Begin a new page in Transform to start crafting your SQL queries.
  5. Utilize AI Assistance: For help with queries, click the icon to talk to Ed Ed Logo, our AI Assistant, and input details about your querying needs.
  6. Save and Organize Queries: Save your refined queries in a specific folder for future reference.

For additional information on data Transform or SQL tips, you can refer to our SQL Tutorial.

📂 Table Summary

Weld supports data replication of both object and report Meta Ads data.

  • Objects

    • Description: Objects represent the structural and operational setup of an advertising entity. This includes configurations, targeting settings, and relationships with other entities in the advertising ecosystem.
    • Example: ad_group
  • Reports

    • Description: Reports focus on the performance metrics and results of the entity. They provide detailed data about how well the entity is performing on a daily basis.
    • Example: ad_group_report

Objects Overview

  • Core Entities: Essential to Meta Ads, representing foundational data. Provides information on what the entity is and how it is set up:
    • Advertisers
    • Campaign
    • Ad Group
    • Ad

Reports Overview

  • Performance Metrics: Includes detailed metrics and statistics for reporting on Ads, Ad Groups, and Campaigns. Indicate how well the entity is performing, based on various performance metrics.
  • Granularity: Data availability is detailed, offered on a daily and hourly basis.
  • Additional Reporting Dimensions: Reports can also be created based on Country, Language, Age, Gender, and Platform.

Custom Report Builder

Our custom report builder allows you to create personalized Meta Ads reports tailored to your specific requirements. By defining dimensions, breakdowns, fields, and other criteria, you can extract actionable insights from your advertising data. Here's how to use it:


  1. Name:

    • Description: Specifies the name of the report.
    • Input Type: Text
    • Requirement: Mandatory
    • Example: "Ad conversions"
  2. Required dimensions:

    • Description: Define the necessary dimensions that should be part of the report. These dimensions represent the primary categorization of data.
    • Input Type: Dropdown
    • Requirement: Mandatory
    • Default: Date
  3. Action breakdown (0/10):

    • Description: Break down actions (like conversions) by specific types or sources. For example, breaking down link clicks by device type.
    • Input Type: Multi-select (up to 10 selections allowed)
    • Requirement: Optional
    • Example: action_type, action_device
  4. Breakdowns (0/24):

    • Description: Additional ways to segment the data in your report. This provides a more granular view.
    • Input Type: Multi-select (up to 24 selections allowed)
    • Requirement: Optional
    • Example: Age, Gender, Location
  5. Fields (0/76):

    • Description: Choose the specific metrics and attributes you want to include in the report.
    • Input Type: Multi-select (up to 76 selections allowed)
    • Requirement: Optional but recommended
    • Example: Impressions, Clicks, Spend, CTR
  6. Level:

    • Description: Define the granularity of the data. Meta's ad structure consists of Campaigns -> Ad Sets -> Ads. Decide at which hierarchy level you want to pull the data.
    • Input Type: Dropdown
    • Options: Campaign, Ad Set, Ad
    • Requirement: Mandatory
  7. Action Report Time:

    Description: This field determines the time window in which actions, either "Impressions" or "Conversions," are attributed to your ad after being viewed or clicked. It's crucial for understanding the effectiveness and latency of your ads.


    1. Impressions:

      • Description: Choosing this option means that your report will attribute actions based on when a user viewed your ad.
      • Use Case: This is beneficial for campaigns that aim to raise awareness. Even if a user doesn’t immediately interact with the ad, seeing the ad might influence their behavior later.
    2. Conversions:

      • Description: Selecting this option attributes actions based on when a user clicked on your ad and then took a desired action, like making a purchase.
      • Use Case: This is especially pertinent for direct response campaigns where the aim is to drive immediate action, such as sign-ups, purchases, or downloads.

    Choosing the Right Option: The best choice between "Impressions" and "Conversions" largely depends on your custom report objectives. By Default this value is set to "Impressions", however if you are looking for specific conversion values such as action values, converted product value or purchase ROAS then "Conversions" would be advised.

🔧 Troubleshooting:

  1. Report Validation Failed: Ensure all mandatory fields have been filled.
  2. No Data in Report: Some combinations of breakdowns and fields might result in empty datasets. Try broadening your selections or changing the report "Level".
  3. Remember that certain combinations of breakdowns and fields may yield no data or may not be supported. Experiment with different configurations to find the most valuable insights.

📊 SQL Templates

Get started with Facebook/Meta Ads SQL Templates

Get inspiration on how to model your data, with our collection of foundational SQL templates we have battle-tested at Weld. All the templates work out of the gate with the Weld data integrations for Meta Ads.

📈 Marketing Core Metrics

You can integrate the following connectors with your Facebook/Meta Ads data to create a comprehensive marketing dashboard using Weld and our Marketing Core Metrics:

To use these prebuilt models, simply click on any of these connectors in the Data Sources section of your account, and select Marketing Metrics.

𝌭 Staging Models


🔧 Setup Guide - Reverse ETL

Meta reverse ETL allows you to sync data on a schedule from your Weld App automatically into a custom audience user list in Meta.

Step 1 - Authenticate

  1. Click on the Reverse ETL button in the side bar and click + New on the top right.
  2. Select the Facebook/Meta connector from the drop down menu or else click + Add new connection to authorize the connector:
    1. In the connector setup form, enter the destination schema name of your choice.
    2. Click Authorize to allow Weld to access your Meta account using OAuth. You will be redirected to your Meta account.
    3. Approve Weld to access your Meta account.
    4. When authorization is complete, you will be redirected back to the Weld connections overview. The configuration is complete.

Step 2 - Begin Configuration

  1. Select your object:
    • User

Step 3 - Model

  1. Choose the SQL model that contains the data that you would like to send to Meta.

Step 4 - Sync Operation

Choose how you would like to sync your data. All of the following are incremental operations:

  • Upsert: Inserts new records and updates already synced data
  • Insert: Inserts new records
  • Update: Updates exisiting records.

Step 5 - Schedule

Choose how often you would like the sync to run. You can choose to have the sync running on an independent schedule or as part of an orchestration workflow.

Step 6 - Mapping

Primary key: Select the unique identifier fields to match your record between your source and destination (this is usually the email or ID).

Map the column from your data model to the property in Meta.

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