Amazon Selling Partner

Amazon Selling Partner is one of the world's largest online marketplaces. Amazon provides a platform for sellers to showcase and offer their products to a vast customer base, spanning across various categories and regions. Their Selling Partner APIs provide access to a wide range of data, including orders, inventory, and reports.


Feature nameSupported
Column HashingTrueField level
BlockingTrueField level
Custom dataFalse
ReSyncTrueTable level

Data Schema

- Table
- Sub table

πŸ”§ Setup Guide

Step 1 - Credentials from your Amazon Account

Login to your Amazon Selling Partner Account, and register an application (find out more here: Amazon Developer Docs - Register your application). If you already have an application for APIs, feel free to use it.

From this application, you get access to:

  • Refresh token
  • App client ID
  • App client Secret

Step 2 - Add credentials to Weld App

Register the credentials generated for the app. Furthermore, you need to specify the region you account is registered at.

Step 3 - Connect

Click connect, and authorize Weld to your Amazon Selling Partner account.

Step 4 - Data To Sync

  1. Select the pre-built reports you wish to include in the sync.
    You can view the schema, remove columns or hash sensitive information.

Step 5 - Configure Sync

  1. Select how often you would like the data to sync.
  2. Provide a unique destination table name.

Weld will take over from here and commence syncing data from your Amazon Selling account.

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