is a powerful automation platform for email and marketing designed to help businesses engage with their customers in a personalized and targeted manner. It provides a user-friendly interface and a range of tools to create and send behavior-based, triggered, and segmented email campaigns.


Feature nameSupported
Bulk uploadTrue
Operation modesTrueUpsert

πŸ”§ Setup Guide - Reverse ETL reverse ETL allows you to sync data on a schedule from your Weld App automatically into Klayvio.

Step 1 - Create API Key

  1. Pick Customer.IO from the list of connectors
  2. Give the connector a name
  3. Enter your Site ID, your API Key and App API Key
  4. Click Connect
  5. When authorization is complete, you will be redirected back to the Weld connections overview. The configuration is complete.

Step 2 - Begin Configuration

  1. Click on the Reverse ETL button in the side bar and click + New on the top right.

  2. Select the connector from the drop down menu or or else click + Add new connection to authorize the connector

  3. Select your object:

    • Customer
    • Event
    • Segment
  4. Select Segment - from drop down.

    Only applies to segment object type.

Step 3 - Model

  1. Choose the SQL model that contains the data that you would like to send to

Step 4 - Sync Operation

Choose how you would like to sync your data:

  • Upsert: Inserts new records and updates already synced data
  • Insert: Inserts new records

Step 5 - Schedule

Choose how often you would like the sync to run. You can choose to have the sync running on an independent schedule or as part of an orchestration workflow.

Step 6 - Mapping

Primary key: Select the unique identifier fields to match your record between your source and destination. (This is usually the email, ID, CIO_ID)

Map the column from your data model to the core properties in You can create a custom property from within Weld which will appear in

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