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Facebook ads

Ad Report

Integrates with Facebook Ads and retrieves data from various tables such as ad_insight, account, campaign, ad_set, and ad. It selects specific columns from these tables and performs calculations to generate aggregated metrics such as spend, reach, impressions, clicks, CPC, CTR, and CPM. The template then joins these tables based on specific conditions and groups the results by certain columns.
2    stats as (
3        select
4            *
5        from
6            {{raw.facebook_ads.ad_insight}}
7    )
8  , ad as (
9        select
10            *
11        from
12            {{raw.facebook_ads.ad}}
13    )
14  , creative as (
15        select
16            *
17        from
18            {{raw.facebook_ads.creative}}
19    )
20  , action_data as (
21        select
22            * except (
23                account_id
24              , account_name
25              , account_currency
26              , campaign_id
27              , adset_id
28            )
29        from
30            {{raw.facebook_ads.ad_roas_insight_conversion_insights}}
31        order by
32            date desc
33    )
34  , action_value as (
35        select
36            date
37          , ad_id
38          , case
39                when action_type = 'purchase' then value
40            end as conversion_value
41        from
42            {{raw.facebook_ads.ad_roas_insight_action_values}}
43        order by
44            date desc
45    )
47    cast(stats.date as date) date_day
48  , stats.account_id account_id
49  , stats.account_name account_name
50  , stats.campaign_id campaign_id
51  , stats.campaign_name campaign_name
52  , stats.adset_id ad_set_id
53  , stats.adset_name ad_set_name
54  , stats.ad_id ad_id
55  , stats.ad_name ad_name
56  , ad.status
57  , creative.title as creative_title
58  , spend
59  , reach
60  , impressions
61  , clicks
62  , inline_link_clicks
63  , ctr
64  , cpm
65  , cpc
66  , action_data.* except (ad_id, date)
67  , action_value.conversion_value
69    stats
70    left join action_data on action_data.ad_id = stats.ad_id
71    and cast(action_data.date as date) = cast(stats.date as date)
72    left join action_value on action_value.ad_id = stats.ad_id
73    and cast(action_value.date as date) = cast(stats.date as date)
74    left join ad on stats.ad_id = ad.id
75    left join creative on creative.id = ad.creative_id
76order by
77    1 desc
Example of output from model:
date_day   | account_id | account_name | campaign_id | campaign_name | ad_set_id | ad_set_name | ad_id | ad_name | spend | reach | impressions | clicks | cpc  | ctr  | cpm  
2022-01-01 | 1234567890 | Facebook Ads | 9876543210  | Summer Sale   | 567890123 | Women       | 24680 | Ad A    | 500   | 1000  | 2000        | 100    | 5.00 | 0.05 | 250.00
2022-01-02 | 1234567890 | Facebook Ads | 9876543210  | Summer Sale   | 567890123 | Women       | 24680 | Ad A    | 600   | 1200  | 2400        | 120    | 5.00 | 0.05 | 250.00
2022-01-03 | 1234567890 | Facebook Ads | 9876543210  | Summer Sale   | 567890123 | Women       | 24680 | Ad A    | 700   | 1400  | 2800        | 140    | 5.00 | 0.05 | 250.00

Provide insights and analytics on Facebook Ads data. By integrating with the Facebook Ads platform, this SQL template retrieves data from various tables such as ad_insight, account, campaign, ad_set, and ad. The SQL code starts by creating temporary tables for each of these entities, allowing for easier querying and analysis. It then selects specific columns from these tables, including the date, account ID and name, campaign ID and name, ad set ID and name, ad ID and name, as well as various metrics such as spend, reach, impressions, clicks, CPC (cost per click), CTR (click-through rate), and CPM (cost per thousand impressions). The SQL template performs left joins between the temporary tables to link the data together based on the corresponding IDs. This enables the aggregation of metrics at different levels, such as by date, account, campaign, ad set, and ad. The resulting output provides a comprehensive overview of the performance of Facebook Ads campaigns, allowing marketers and advertisers to analyze key metrics and derive insights. For example, they can track the spend and reach of their ads, measure engagement through impressions and clicks, and calculate important performance indicators like CPC and CTR. By customizing the SQL template and selecting additional columns, users can further tailor the analysis to their specific needs and gain deeper insights into their Facebook Ads campaigns.

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