Shopify Report Dashboard
2 all_orders as (
3 select
4 'dk' as store
5 , as order_id
6 , o.created_at as order_date
7 , o.customer_id
8 , case
9 when c.order_count > 1 then 'Returning'
10 else 'New'
11 end as customer_type
12 , o.source_name as sales_channel
13 , o.total_price as order_amount
14 , o.total_discounts as discount_applied
15 , o.financial_status as payment_status
16 , o.fulfillment_status
17 , fx.exchange_rate
18 , (o.total_price * fx.exchange_rate) as total_sales_tgt
19 from
20 {{raw.shopify.order}} o
21 left join {{raw.shopify.customer}} c on o.customer_id =
22 left join {{}} fx on cast(o.created_at as date) = cast(fx.timestamp as date)
23 and fx.target_currency = o.currency
24 )
25 , all_refunds as (
26 select
27 'dk' as store
28 , r.order_id
29 , sum(rl.subtotal + rl.total_tax) as refund_amount_local
30 , sum((rl.subtotal + rl.total_tax) * fx.exchange_rate) as refund_amount_tgt
31 from
32 {{raw.shopify.order_refund}} r
33 left join {{raw.shopify.order_line_refund}} rl on = rl.refund_id
34 left join {{}} fx on cast(r.created_at as date) = cast(fx.timestamp as date)
35 and fx.target_currency = 'DKK'
36 group by
37 r.order_id
38 )
39 , orders_with_refunds as (
40 select
42 , o.order_id
43 , o.order_date
44 , o.customer_id
45 , o.customer_type
46 , o.sales_channel
47 , o.order_amount
48 , o.discount_applied
49 , coalesce(r.refund_amount_local, 0) as refund_amount
50 , coalesce(r.refund_amount_tgt, 0) as refund_amount_tgt
51 , o.payment_status
52 , o.fulfillment_status
53 , o.exchange_rate
54 , o.total_sales_tgt
55 from
56 all_orders o
57 left join all_refunds r on o.order_id = r.order_id
58 and =
59 )
60 , products_per_order as (
61 select
62 ol.order_id
63 , ol.title as product_sold
64 , ol.price as product_price
65 , ol.quantity as product_quantity
66 from
67 {{raw.shopify.order_line}} ol
68 )
69 , metrics_with_products as (
70 select
71 owr.order_id
72 ,
73 , owr.order_date
74 , owr.customer_id
75 , owr.customer_type
76 , owr.sales_channel
77 , owr.order_amount
78 , owr.discount_applied
79 , owr.refund_amount
80 , owr.refund_amount_tgt
81 , owr.payment_status
82 , owr.fulfillment_status
83 , owr.exchange_rate
84 , owr.total_sales_tgt
85 , ppo.product_sold
86 , ppo.product_price
87 , ppo.product_quantity
88 , (ppo.product_price * ppo.product_quantity) as product_sales_local
89 , (
90 (ppo.product_price * ppo.product_quantity) * owr.exchange_rate
91 ) as product_sales_tgt
92 , row_number() over (
93 partition by
94 owr.order_id
95 order by
96 ppo.product_sold
97 ) as row_num
98 from
99 orders_with_refunds owr
100 join products_per_order ppo on owr.order_id = ppo.order_id
101 )
103 order_id
104 , store
105 , order_date
106 , customer_id
107 , customer_type
108 , sales_channel
109 , product_sold
110 , product_price
111 , product_quantity
112 , product_sales_local
113 , product_sales_tgt
114 , case
115 when row_num = 1 then order_amount
116 else null
117 end as total_order_amount
118 , case
119 when row_num = 1 then discount_applied
120 else null
121 end as total_discounts
122 , case
123 when row_num = 1 then refund_amount
124 else null
125 end as total_refunds_local
126 , case
127 when row_num = 1 then refund_amount_tgt
128 else null
129 end as total_refunds_tgt
130 , case
131 when row_num = 1 then total_sales_tgt
132 else null
133 end as total_sales_tgt
134 , case
135 when row_num = 1 then (order_amount - refund_amount)
136 else null
137 end as net_sales_local
138 , case
139 when row_num = 1 then (total_sales_tgt - refund_amount_tgt)
140 else null
141 end as net_sales_tgt
143 metrics_with_products;
| order_id | store| order_date | customer_id | customer_type | sales_channel | product_sold | product_price | product_quantity | product_sales_local| product_sales_tgt | total_order_amount | total_discounts | total_refunds_local | total_refunds_tgt | total_sales_tgt | net_sales_local | net_sales_tgt |
| 1000001 | dk | 2023-11-01 | 12345 | New | Online Store | Product A | 200.00 | 2 | 400.00 | 53.33 | 1200.00 | 50.00 | 10.00 | 1.33 | 160.00 | 1190.00 | 158.67 |
| 1000001 | dk | 2023-11-01 | 12345 | New | Online Store | Product B | 100.00 | 5 | 500.00 | 66.67 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |
| 1000002 | dk | 2023-11-02 | 12346 | Returning | Online Store | Product A | 250.00 | 3 | 750.00 | 100.00 | 2500.00 | 100.00 | 40.00 | 5.33 | 333.33 | 2460.00 | 328.00 |
| 1000003 | dk | 2023-11-03 | 12347 | New | Point of Sale | Product C | 300.00 | 1 | 300.00 | 40.00 | 1800.00 | 80.00 | 30.00 | 4.00 | 240.00 | 1770.00 | 236.00 |
| 1000003 | dk | 2023-11-03 | 12347 | New | Point of Sale | Product A | 200.00 | 2 | 400.00 | 53.33 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |
| 1000004 | dk | 2023-11-04 | 12348 | Returning | Online Store | Product D | 150.00 | 2 | 300.00 | 40.00 | 3000.00 | 150.00 | 50.00 | 6.67 | 400.00 | 2950.00 | 393.33 |
| 1000005 | dk | 2023-11-05 | 12349 | New | Online Store | Product B | 180.00 | 3 | 540.00 | 72.00 | 1500.00 | 70.00 | 20.00 | 2.67 | 200.00 | 1480.00 | 197.33 |
This SQL template is designed to generate a Shopify dashboard for multiple stores with sales amounts converted to a single currency. The 'all_orders' and 'all_refunds' sections include sales and refund data for one or more Shopify stores. Each store's data is joined with the customer, refund, and exchange rate tables to standardize the metrics. The output includes key sales KPIs, such as total sales, discounts, refunds, net sales, and average order value, along with a new column listing all products sold in each order. NOTE: To add more stores or modify an existing store, you can edit the SQL query. Replicate the 'all_orders' and 'all_refunds' logic, replacing the connection names with the appropriate store identifiers, and use 'union all' to combine the results into a single dataset. You can also change the desired output currency from EUR to any other by using our forex connector.