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Customer cohort

Generates a customer cohort report for a Shopify integration. The report includes information on customer revenue, cohort, and customer retention over time.
2    time_series_source as (
3        select
4            week
5        from
6            unnest (
7                generate_date_array(
8                    date_trunc(date('2019-01-01'), week(monday))
9                  , current_date()
10                  , interval 1 week
11                )
12            ) as week
13    )
14  , time_series_sum as (
15        select
16            *
17        from
18            (
19                select distinct
20                    email
21                from
22                    {{raw.shopify.order}}
23                where
24                    email is not null
25                    and email <> ''
26            )
27            cross join time_series_source
28        order by
29            week asc
30    )
31  , cohort as (
32        select
33            email
34          , cast(date_trunc(min(created_at), week(monday)) as date) as customer_week
35        from
36            {{raw.shopify.order}}
37        group by
38            email
39    )
40  , customer as (
41        select
42            email
43          , cast(date_trunc(created_at, week(monday)) as date) as week
44          , sum(total_line_items_price) as revenue
45        from
46            {{raw.shopify.order}}
47        group by
48            email
49          , cast(date_trunc(created_at, week(monday)) as date)
50    )
51  , customer_weeks as (
52        select
53            t.email
54          , t.week
55          , h.customer_week
56          , c.revenue
57          , case
58                when t.week = h.customer_week then 1
59                else 0
60            end as became_customer
61        from
62            time_series_sum t
63            left join customer c on t.email = c.email
64            and t.week = c.week
65            left join cohort h on t.email = h.email
66    )
67  , customer_cohorts as (
68        select
69            email
70          , customer_week
71          , week
72          , revenue
73          , became_customer
74          , sum(became_customer) over (
75                partition by
76                    email
77                order by
78                    week asc rows between unbounded preceding
79                    and current row
80            ) as customer_rt
81          , sum(revenue) over (
82                partition by
83                    email
84                order by
85                    week asc rows between unbounded preceding
86                    and current row
87            ) as revenue_rt
88        from
89            customer_weeks
90    )
92    email
93  , revenue
94  , week
95  , row_number() over (
96        partition by
97            email
98        order by
99            week asc
100    ) as week_num
101  , revenue_rt
102  , customer_rt
103  , became_customer as customer
104  , first_value(customer_week ignore nulls) over (
105        partition by
106            email
107        order by
108            week asc
109    ) as cohort
111    customer_cohorts
113    customer_rt <> 0
114order by
115    week asc
Example of output from model:
|         email          | revenue |    week    | week_num | revenue_rt | customer_rt  | customer |   cohort   |
| john.doe@example.com   |  123.45 | 2019-01-07 |        1 |     123.45 |            1 |        1 | 2019-01-07 |
| john.doe@example.com   |  678.90 | 2019-01-14 |        2 |     802.35 |            1 |        0 | 2019-01-07 |
| jane.doe@example.com   |  234.56 | 2019-01-14 |        1 |     234.56 |            1 |        1 | 2019-01-14 |
| jane.doe@example.com   |  789.01 | 2019-01-21 |        2 |    1023.57 |            2 |        0 | 2019-01-14 |
| jane.doe@example.com   |  456.78 | 2019-01-28 |        3 |    1480.35 |            2 |        0 | 2019-01-14 |
| bob.smith@example.com  |  345.67 | 2019-01-28 |        1 |     345.67 |            1 |        1 | 2019-01-28 |
| bob.smith@example.com  |  901.23 | 2019-02-04 |        2 |    1246.90 |            2 |        0 | 2019-01-28 |
| bob.smith@example.com  |  678.90 | 2019-02-11 |        3 |    1925.80 |            2 |        0 | 2019-01-28 |
| bob.smith@example.com  |  234.56 | 2019-02-18 |        4 |    2160.36 |            2 |        0 | 2019-01-28 |
| bob.smith@example.com  |  789.01 | 2019-02-25 |        5 |    2949.37 |            2 |        0 | 2019-01-28 |
| bob.smith@example.com  |  456.78 | 2019-03-04 |        6 |    3406.15 |            2 |        0 | 2019-01-28 |

This SQL template is designed to analyze customer behavior and revenue over time. It uses a time series source to generate a list of weeks, and then cross-joins this with a list of distinct customer emails from the Shopify orders table. The cohort is then created by grouping customers by the week they made their first purchase. The customer table is created by grouping customers by the week they made a purchase, and then summing their revenue. The customer weeks table is created by joining the time series and customer tables, and then joining the cohort table to identify which week each customer made their first purchase. The customer cohorts table is created by grouping customers by email and week, and then calculating the running total of revenue and the number of customers who made their first purchase in each week. Finally, the output is filtered to only include customers who have made a purchase, and then sorted by week. The output includes the customer email, revenue, week, running total of revenue, running total of customers, whether the customer made their first purchase in that week, and the week they made their first purchase.

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