Order Items Sales
2 -- CTE: Aggregate the discount allocations by order line
3 discount_order_line as (
4 select
5 order_line_id
6 , sum(amount) as discount_amount
7 from
8 {{raw.shopify.discount_allocation}}
9 group by
10 order_line_id
11 )
12 , -- CTE: Filter out successful fulfillment orders with their created timestamp
13 fulfillments_success as (
14 select
15 order_id
16 , id as fulfillment_id
17 , created_at as fulfillment_created_at
18 from
19 {{raw.shopify.fulfillment}}
20 where
21 status = 'success'
22 )
23 , -- CTE: Join fulfillment order lines with successful fulfillment details
24 fulfillment_success_order_lines as (
25 select
26 foi.order_id
27 , foi.order_line_id
28 , foi.fulfillment_id
29 , fs.fulfillment_created_at as order_line_fulfilled_at
30 from
31 {{raw.shopify.fulfillment_order_line}} as foi
32 inner join fulfillments_success as fs on foi.fulfillment_id = fs.fulfillment_id
33 )
34 , -- CTE: Combine order line details with orders, customers, products, variants, tax, discount, and fulfillment info
35 order_items as (
36 select
37 o.name as order_name
38 , o.fulfillment_status
39 , o.customer_id
40 , o.email
41 , concat(first_name, ' ', last_name) as customer_name
42 , ol.id as order_line_id
43 , ol.order_id
44 , ol.index as order_line_index
45 , billing_address_city
46 , billing_address_company
47 , shipping_address_city
48 , shipping_address_country
49 , shipping_address_zip
50 , o.created_at as order_created_at
51 , ol.name as order_line_name
52 , o.currency
53 , ol.price as order_line_price
54 , ol.price / (1 + ifnull(tx.rate, 0)) as order_line_price_net
55 , ol.gift_card as is_gift_card
56 , ol.product_id
57 , ol.sku
58 , ol.quantity
59 , o.financial_status
60 , p.title as product_title
61 , v.title as product_variant_title
62 , p.product_type
63 , ifnull(tx.price, 0) as tax
64 , dol.discount_amount
65 , dol.discount_amount / (1 + ifnull(tx.rate, 0)) as discount_amount_net
66 , case
67 when c.order_count = 1 then 'First-time'
68 else 'Returning'
69 end as customer_type
70 , -- Fulfillment information
71 fulfillment_success_order_lines.fulfillment_id
72 , fulfillment_success_order_lines.order_line_fulfilled_at
73 , rank() over (
74 partition by
75 ol.order_id
76 order by
77 fulfillment_success_order_lines.order_line_fulfilled_at nulls last
78 ) as fulfillment_rank
79 from
80 {{raw.shopify.order_line}} as ol
81 inner join {{raw.shopify.order}} as o on ol.order_id = o.id
82 left join {{raw.shopify.customer}} c on c.id = o.customer_id
83 left join {{raw.shopify.product_variant}} as v on ol.variant_id = v.id
84 left join {{raw.shopify.product}} as p on ol.product_id = p.id
85 left join {{raw.shopify.order_tax_line}} as tx on ol.id = tx.line_item_id
86 left join discount_order_line as dol on ol.id = dol.order_line_id
87 left join fulfillment_success_order_lines on ol.id = fulfillment_success_order_lines.order_line_id
88 )
89 , -- CTE: Finalize calculations by handling gift cards and applying net price conversions for sales metrics
90 calculations as (
91 select
92 order_items.order_id
93 , order_items.order_name
94 , order_items.order_line_id
95 , order_items.order_line_index
96 , order_items.order_created_at
97 , order_items.quantity
98 , email
99 , customer_id
100 , customer_name
101 , fulfillment_status
102 , billing_address_city
103 , billing_address_company
104 , shipping_address_city
105 , shipping_address_country
106 , shipping_address_zip
107 , currency
108 , sku
109 , financial_status
110 , product_title
111 , product_variant_title
112 , customer_type
113 , case
114 when is_gift_card then 0
115 else order_items.order_line_price
116 end as order_line_price
117 , case
118 when is_gift_card then 0
119 else order_items.order_line_price_net
120 end as order_line_price_net
121 , case
122 when is_gift_card then 0
123 else order_items.tax
124 end as tax
125 , case
126 when is_gift_card then 0
127 else order_items.discount_amount
128 end as discount_amount
129 , case
130 when is_gift_card then 0
131 else order_items.discount_amount_net
132 end as discount_amount_net
133 from
134 order_items
135 )
136 -- Final SELECT: Calculate the sales metrics with gross sales, net sales, tax, and total sales
138 order_id
139 , order_created_at
140 , order_line_id
141 , order_name
142 , email
143 , customer_id
144 , customer_name
145 , sku
146 , fulfillment_status
147 , product_title
148 , product_variant_title
149 , billing_address_city
150 , billing_address_company
151 , shipping_address_city
152 , shipping_address_country
153 , shipping_address_zip
154 , quantity
155 , currency
156 , quantity * order_line_price_net as gross_sales
157 , discount_amount_net
158 , quantity * order_line_price - ifnull(discount_amount, 0) - ifnull(tax, 0) as net_sales
159 , tax
160 , quantity * order_line_price - ifnull(discount_amount, 0) as total_sales
161 , order_line_index
162 , customer_type
163 , financial_status
165 calculations
order_id | order_created_at | order_line_id | order_name | email | customer_id | customer_name | sku | fulfillment_status | product_title | product_variant_title | billing_address_city | billing_address_company | shipping_address_city | shipping_address_country | shipping_address_zip | quantity | currency | gross_sales | discount_amount_net | net_sales | tax | total_sales | order_line_index | customer_type | financial_status
1001 | 2023-10-01 10:00:00 | 2001 | #1001 | john.doe@example.com | 501 | John Doe | SKU12345 | fulfilled | T-Shirt | Large | New York | Doe Inc. | New York | USA | 10001 | 2 | USD | 50.00 | 5.00 | 45.00 | 2.00| 48.00 | 1 | Returning | paid
1002 | 2023-10-02 11:30:00 | 2002 | #1002 | jane.smith@example.com| 502 | Jane Smith | SKU67890 | fulfilled | Hoodie | Medium | Los Angeles | Smith LLC | Los Angeles | USA | 90001 | 1 | USD | 30.00 | 3.00 | 27.00 | 1.50| 28.50 | 1 | First-time | paid
The "Order Items Sales" SQL model is designed to integrate with Shopify data to provide comprehensive insights into order sales performance. This model aggregates and processes data from various Shopify tables, including discount allocations, fulfillments, orders, customers, products, and taxes. It filters successful fulfillment orders and joins them with order line details to create a detailed view of each order item. The model calculates key sales metrics such as gross sales, net sales, and total sales, taking into account discounts and taxes. By distinguishing between first-time and returning customers, it provides valuable insights into customer purchasing behavior. This SQL model is useful for businesses looking to analyze sales performance, understand customer segments, and optimize pricing strategies by evaluating the impact of discounts and taxes on sales revenue.