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Media Insights Deep Dive

Retrieves various metrics for different types of media posts (carousel, reel, story, feed). It also calculates engagement rates for each type of media. The template joins the media data with the media history table to include additional information such as caption, timestamp, media type, likes count, and comments count. The final result is sorted by month and media posted date in descending order.
2    MediaDeepDive as (
3        select
4            id as media_id
5          , date_trunc(_weld_synced_at, month) as month -- Carousel Metrics
6          , carousel_album_engagement
7          , carousel_album_impressions
8          , carousel_album_reach
9          , carousel_album_saved
10          , carousel_album_video_views -- Reel Metrics
11          , reel_comments
12          , reel_likes
13          , reel_plays
14          , reel_reach
15          , reel_saved
16          , reel_shares
17          , reel_total_interactions -- Story Metrics
18          , story_exits
19          , story_impressions
20          , story_reach
21          , story_replies
22          , story_taps_back
23          , story_taps_forward -- Feed Metrics
24          , feed_engagement
25          , feed_impressions
26          , feed_reach
27          , feed_saved
28          , feed_video_views -- Engagement Rates (Simple calculations as examples; can be expanded as needed)
29          , case
30                when carousel_album_impressions != 0 then carousel_album_engagement / carousel_album_impressions * 100
31                else null
32            end as carousel_engagement_rate
33          , case
34                when reel_reach != 0 then reel_likes / reel_reach * 100
35                else null
36            end as reel_like_rate
37          , case
38                when feed_impressions != 0 then feed_engagement / feed_impressions * 100
39                else null
40            end as feed_engagement_rate
41        from
42            {{raw.instagram.media_insights}}
43    )
45    md.*
46  , mh.caption
47  , mh.timestamp as media_posted_date
48  , mh.media_type
49  , mh.like_count
50  , mh.comments_count
52    MediaDeepDive md
53    join {{raw.instagram.media_history}} mh on md.media_id = mh.id
54order by
55    md.month desc
56  , media_posted_date desc;
Example of output from model:
Here is an example of the results generated by the given SQL template in ASCII format:


The SQL template "Media Insights Deep Dive" is designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of media performance on Instagram Business. It integrates with the Instagram Business API to retrieve data and generate insights. The SQL code begins by creating a temporary table called "MediaDeepDive" which contains various metrics for different types of media on Instagram, including carousels, reels, stories, and feed posts. These metrics include engagement, impressions, reach, saves, video views, comments, likes, and more. The SQL code also calculates engagement rates for the different media types, such as carousel engagement rate, reel like rate, and feed engagement rate. These rates are calculated as percentages based on the corresponding metrics. The final SQL query combines the data from the "MediaDeepDive" table with additional information from the "media_history" table, such as the caption, timestamp, media type, like count, and comments count. The result is sorted by month and media posted date in descending order. This SQL template can be useful for gaining deep insights into the performance of media content on Instagram Business. It allows users to analyze engagement, reach, impressions, and other metrics across different media types. By examining the engagement rates, users can identify the effectiveness of their media content and make data-driven decisions to optimize their Instagram strategy.

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