Marketing Insights Dashboard
1-- Facebook staging report can be created using the template: facebook ad reports
2-- Google staging report can be created using the template: google ad reports
3-- LinkedIn staging report can be created using the template: linkedin ad reports
4-- TikTok staging report can be created using the template: tiktok ad reports
5-- Snapchat staging report can be created using the template: snapchat ad reports
6-- Pinterest staging report can be created using the template: pinterest ad reports
7-- Note: If certain platforms are not used, you can remove their respective sections from the UNION ALL queries below.
9 all_data as (
10 select
11 select
12 date_day
13 , 'google' as platform
14 , account_id
15 , account_name
16 , campaign_id
17 , campaign_name
18 , ad_id
19 , ad_name
20 , clicks
21 , impressions
22 , spend
23 , conversions
24 , conversions_value as conversion_value
25 from
26 {{staging.google_ads.ad_report}}
27 /* union all
29 date_day
30 , 'facebook' as platform
31 , account_id
32 , account_name
33 , campaign_id
34 , campaign_name
35 , ad_id
36 , ad_name
37 , clicks
38 , impressions
39 , spend
40 , purchase as conversions
41 , conversion_value
42 from
43 {{staging.facebook_ads.ad_report}}
46 union all
48 select
49 date_day
50 , 'linkedin' as platform
51 , account_id
52 , account_name
53 , campaign_group_id as campaign_id
54 , campaign_group_name as campaign_name
55 , creative_id as ad_id
56 , creative_name as ad_name
57 , clicks
58 , impressions
59 , spend
60 , conversions
61 , conversion_value
62 from
63 {{staging.linkedin_ads.creative_report}}
65 union all
67 select
68 date_day
69 , 'tiktok' as platform
70 , account_id
71 , account_name
72 , campaign_id
73 , campaign_name
74 , ad_id
75 , ad_name
76 , clicks
77 , impressions
78 , spend
79 , conversion as conversions
80 , conversion_value
81 from
82 {{staging.tiktok_ads.ad_report}}
84 union all
86 select
87 date_day
88 , 'snapchat' as platform
89 , account_id
90 , account_name
91 , creative_id as campaign_id
92 , campaign_id as campaign_name
93 , ad_id
94 , ad_name
95 , clicks
96 , impressions
97 , spend
98 , conversions
99 , conversion_value
100 from
101 {{staging.snapchat.ad_report}}
103 union all
105 select
106 date_day
107 , 'pinterest' as platform
108 , account_id
109 , account_name
110 , campaign_id
111 , campaign_name
112 , ad_id
113 , ad_name
114 , clicks
115 , impressions
116 , spend
117 , conversions
118 , null as conversion_value
119 from
120 {{staging.pinterest.ad_report}}
122 */
123 )
125 date_day
126 , platform
127 , account_id
128 , account_name
129 , campaign_id
130 , campaign_name
131 , ad_id
132 , ad_name
133 , sum(clicks) as clicks
134 , sum(impressions) as impressions
135 , sum(spend) as spend
136 , sum(conversions) as conversions
137 , sum(conversion_value) as conversion_value
138 , safe_divide(sum(clicks), sum(impressions)) * 100 as ctr
139 , safe_divide(sum(spend), sum(clicks)) as cpc
140 , safe_divide(sum(spend), sum(impressions)) * 1000 as cpm
141 , safe_divide(sum(conversions), sum(clicks)) * 100 as conversion_rate
143 all_data
144group by
145 date_day
146 , platform
147 , account_id
148 , account_name
149 , campaign_id
150 , campaign_name
151 , ad_id
152 , ad_name;
date_day | platform | account_id | account_name | campaign_id | campaign_name | ad_id | ad_name | clicks | impressions | spend | conversions | conversion_value | ctr | cpc | cpm | conversion_rate
2023-10-01 | facebook | 12345 | Acme Corp | 54321 | Fall Sale | 111 | Ad A | 100 | 10000 | 200 | 10 | 1000 | 1.00 | 2.00 | 20.00| 10.00
2023-10-01 | google | 67890 | Beta Inc | 98765 | Winter Promo | 222 | Ad B | 150 | 15000 | 300 | 15 | 1500 | 1.00 | 2.00 | 20.00| 10.00
2023-10-01 | linkedin | 11223 | Gamma LLC | 44556 | Spring Launch | 333 | Ad C | 50 | 5000 | 100 | 5 | 500 | 1.00 | 2.00 | 20.00| 10.00
2023-10-01 | tiktok | 33445 | Delta Co | 66778 | Summer Event | 444 | Ad D | 200 | 20000 | 400 | 20 | 2000 | 1.00 | 2.00 | 20.00| 10.00
2023-10-01 | snapchat | 55667 | Epsilon Ltd | 88990 | Year End | 555 | Ad E | 120 | 12000 | 240 | 12 | 1200 | 1.00 | 2.00 | 20.00| 10.00
2023-10-01 | pinterest | 77889 | Zeta Group | 99001 | New Year | 666 | Ad F | 80 | 8000 | 160 | 8 | NULL | 1.00 | 2.00 | 20.00| 10.00
The "Marketing Insights" SQL model aggregates advertising data from multiple platforms including Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, TikTok, Snapchat, and Pinterest. It consolidates metrics such as clicks, impressions, spend, conversions, and conversion value across these platforms into a unified dataset. This model calculates key performance indicators (KPIs) like click-through rate (CTR), cost per click (CPC), cost per thousand impressions (CPM), and conversion rate, providing a comprehensive view of marketing performance. By using this SQL model, marketers can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their campaigns, compare performance across different platforms, and optimize their advertising strategies for better ROI.