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Send data to Facebook Conversions API

Sync data from any data source to Facebook Conversions API, with the Weld Reverse ETL, for powerful data enrichment. Easy setup fully managed data pipeline to Facebook Conversions API in minutes with no coding required.

View more about the Facebook Conversions API integration in the Weld documentation

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Conversions API is a Facebook Business Tool that lets you share key web & offline events or customer actions, directly from your server to Facebook's.

Use Cases

  • Measure customer actions in more ways. For example, you can share delayed values, user scores or lead scores and use them for optimization in all of your business tools. This gives you further visibility into your customer’s full journey.
  • Get the full freedom to choose exactly what data you want to send without having to implement any back-end tracking to do it.
  • Give your Performance Marketing team a better way to track conversions and optimize performance by sending events directly from your Destination to your Facebook pixel.

Start working with your Facebook Conversions API data today

Get started building your data warehouse with Facebook Conversions API and 150+ more apps and database connectors available.

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