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Microsoft ads SQL templates
Account Report
Generates an account report by integrating with Microsoft Ads. It retrieves data from the ad_performance_daily_report and account tables, joins them based on the account_id, and calculates metrics such as clicks, impressions, and spend. The resulting report includes information about the date, account name, account ID, time zone, device OS, device type, network, and currency code.
Ad Group Report
Generates a report that combines data from the "ad_performance_daily_report," "ad_group," "campaign," and "account" tables in the Microsoft Ads integration. It joins these tables based on specific columns and calculates aggregated metrics such as clicks, impressions, and spend. The resulting report includes information on the date, account, campaign, ad group, device, network, and currency code.
Campaign Report
Generates a campaign report by integrating with Microsoft Ads. It combines data from the campaign performance daily report, campaign, and account tables. The joined table includes information such as date, account name and ID, campaign name and ID, campaign type and status, device OS and type, network, currency code, clicks, impressions, and spend.
Ad Report
Generates an ad report by joining data from multiple tables related to Microsoft Ads. It retrieves information such as date, account name and ID, campaign name and ID, ad group name and ID, ad name and ID, device OS, device type, network, currency code, clicks, impressions, and spend. The template performs a left join on the specified tables and groups the data based on selected columns. The final result includes all columns from the joined data.
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