Monthly Conversations By Team
Extracts monthly conversation data by team from the Intercom integration. It selects the month, team ID, team name, and ticket count from the conversation table. It then joins the conversation table with the team table and groups the results by month, team ID, and team name, ordering them by month and ticket count in descending order.
Monthly Tickets By Team
Extracts monthly ticket data for each team, including the team ID, team name, and the count of tickets. It uses the Intercom integration and joins the ticket and team tables based on the team assignee ID. The results are grouped by month, team ID, and team name, and ordered by month and ticket count in descending order.
Monthly Ticket Resolution Time
Extracts the monthly ticket resolution time for a specific integration (intercom). It selects the month, team ID, team name, and average resolution time in days. It joins the ticket and team tables, filters for resolved tickets, groups the results by month and team, and sorts them in descending order by month and ascending order by average resolution time.
Monthly Tags By Conversation
This SQL template extracts monthly tags by conversation from the Intercom integration. It uses a common table expression (CTE) to join the conversation and conversation_tag tables, and then retrieves the month, tag name, and tag count for each conversation. The results are grouped by month and tag name, and ordered by month in descending order.