Troubleshooting PostgreSQL Destination

Below is a list of error messages you may encounter in the Weld app, along with suggested actions for each:

Query rejected with relation does not exist error

relation "WELD_RAW.my_view_name" does not exist

If your query or Reverse ELT sync is rejected with a similar error message than above, that can be a sign that the underlying view has been deleted. It can be caused when an Imported Table is dropped with the CASCADE option, because it also removes all the dependent views as well from your Postgres Data Warehouse, including the underlying views of your models. It will then cause missing relation errors in your queries or in your Reverse ELT syncs.

If the deletion of the imported table was a one-off act, you can fix the missing views, by re-importing the tables and by re-publishing all the dependant views.

If the deletion is a part of an automated process that drops (and recreates) the imported table in a scheduled manner, try to avoid deleting an imported table that you refer in models. Instead of using CASCADE drop, you should TRUNCATE the table and then COPY the data into the existing table. This will keep the table structure and the dependant views intact.

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