Microsoft SQL Server on RDS

Amazon RDS is a fully managed database service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS), and it offers Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) as one of the supported database engines. With Microsoft SQL Server on RDS, the deployment and management of MSSQL databases in the cloud is made easier, as RDS handles routine administrative tasks such as backups, patching, and high availability, allowing developers to focus on their applications. RDS supports multiple editions of MSSQL, providing flexibility for different application requirements. It offers features like automated backups, automated software patching, and options for multi-AZ (Availability Zone) deployments to ensure high availability and durability. MSSQL on RDS integrates seamlessly with other AWS services, enabling developers to build comprehensive solutions. With its scalability, reliability, and ease of management, MSSQL on RDS is a preferred choice for running MSSQL databases in the AWS cloud.


Feature nameSupported
Column HashingTrueColumn level
BlockingTrueColumn level
IncrementalTrueMerge, Append
Custom dataTrue
ReSyncTrueTable level

πŸ”§ Setup Guide

Step 1 - Get credentials to setup the connection

From your MySQL Database, access and paste the required fields:

  • Name (The name you want to refer to regarding this connection in the Weld app)
  • Host (IP Address of your server)
  • Database (Name of the database you want to connect to)

The host can be found using SQL commands:

select @@hostname;
show variables where Variable_name like '%host%';

Furthermore, add the port, name and your Weld username and password if desired. You can also connect through an SSH Tunnel.

Step 2 - Data To Sync

  1. Select the tables you wish to include in the sync.
    You can view the schema, remove columns or hash sensitive information.
  2. Update Sync mode:
    By default the MSSQL connector is set to run always full syncs. To optimize the sync time and reduce processing overhead on your MSSQL server we recommend for you to set up the syncs to run incrementally.

We currently support both Merge and Append mode for incremental syncs.


To have your table running incrementally using the merge configuration you need a table primary key and a cursor timestamp (updated_at is preferred).

When a sync is run, Weld will select only the new or changed rows since the last update.


If a row updated_at timestamp is not available on the table then another option is to run an incremental sync using append mode. Append mode uses cursor to keep track of how far the sync got on the last run. It will use that cursor to append new entries at the end of the table on the next run.

Append is not widely used as it does not capture updates in the previous rows

Full Sync at Midnight

A limitation of both Merge and Append modes is that they do not capture deleted rows. If you expect rows to be deleted often from your tables then you can set a table to run a full sync at midnight which will remove those deleted rows.

Step 3 - Configure Sync

  1. Select how often you would like the data to sync.
  2. Provide a unique destination table name.

Weld will take over from here and commence syncing data from your MSSQL database.

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